What does the future of laser eye surgery hold?
I have been doing laser eye surgery for 15 years now and I have seen some amazing advances. And every time I think, well it can’t get...

An increasingly short sighted world
Many will remember our mum or dad shouting at us as kids " if you sit too close to the TV, you will go blind!" Nowadays I am the one...

Recovery after laser eye surgery
Laser eye surgery, whether it be LASIK, SMILE or ASLA (PRK), does not have instantaneous full recovery no matter what you may have heard....

Will I have better than 20/20 vision after laser eye surgery?
If you are considering laser eye surgery, it is important to have realistic expectations. As we all know, the same result with different...

Surface laser/PRK: Old dog, new tricks?
PRK or surface laser was the original form of laser eye surgery in the early 1990s. It is still one of the 3 common forms of corrective...

Eye 101
I often find educating my patients about the basic structure of the eye is very useful to help them understand their eye conditions....

How do I know if I can have laser eye surgery?
I tell about 1 in 5 people who come for laser eye surgery that they are unsuitable. Sounds like quite a high percentage right? That's...

What is astigmatism... is that how you even say it?
Most of you might have vaguely heard this word "astigmatism" and some of you may even have been told you have it. But what actually is...