Does everyone get cataracts?
Does everyone get cataracts? Well yes... if you live long enough. You see, cataracts are an ageing process of the crystalline lens of the...

Does having laser eye surgery affect cataract surgery in later life?
One of the concerns my patients raise with having laser eye surgery, is that it may prevent them having required cataract surgery when...

You and the world might look unexpectedly different after cataract surgery..
The main purpose of cataract surgery is to make people who can't see, see again. However, while for most people the improvement in vision...

When is the "right time" to have cataract surgery?
There are a lot of myths out there about cataract surgery and I find many of my patients seek advice from me about when is the...

Dr. Colin Chan interviewed by Eyeworld on cataract surgery after LASIK calculations

Teaching and Charity in the Asia Pacific
I recently attended the Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress in Hong Kong. I was kept busy, having been invited to give 3...

Why are my eyes so sensitive to light?
There are many reasons why your eyes can be light sensitive. Sometimes it's an obvious cause like conjunctivitis. Other times it's not....

What is astigmatism... is that how you even say it?
Most of you might have vaguely heard this word "astigmatism" and some of you may even have been told you have it. But what actually is...

Why bother having routine eye tests?
When we are young, we tend to think we are immortal... well I did anyway. Unfortunately sometimes the mind doesn't realize what is going...

Everyone gets cataracts.. just like everyone gets wrinkles :)
It never ceases to perplex me how surprised some of my patients are when I tell them they have the beginnings of cataract... especially...